Service Description:
Weekly clean is a service scheduled for a specific frequency without the need to book every time. You can schedule service once weekly, twice weekly or bi-weekly. You can also keep same cleaning crew (housekeeper).
The Cleaning Crew offers a wide range of cleaning packages to meet each homes.
Set up a weekly plan, sit back and relax.
Clean all dishes in the sink
Put away clean dishes
Wipe down exterior of all appliances
Clean stovetop and backsplash
Mop floors and empty waste basket
Clean/Scrub shower and bathtub
Clean toilet bowl
Wipe down mirrors and baseboards
Mop floors and empty waste basket
【Living Room】
Dust all furniture surface
Vacuum and mop floors
Change bed linens if requested
Dust all furniture
Organize and tidy up
Dust and mop the floor
【Laundry and Ironing】
Do laundry and hang on clothes, fold laundry, iron clothes if requested
The price is on monthly basis